Guardians on the Frontline: Heroes of the Border Save 13 Children from Traffickers

Summer 2024: A Military-Precision Operation Rescues Children from Human Trafficking

The summer of 2024 marked a significant triumph for Guardians on the Frontline and Spartan Investigations & Executive Protection as we successfully executed a child rescue mission and human trafficking operation. These incredible photos from our mission trip to the border in Southwest Texas capture the dedication, precision, and bravery of everyone involved. Preston and another dedicated team member joined an extraordinary unit that has been committed to this cause for years. Led by Sam Hal, the founder of PFA “Patriots for America” the mission brought together the combined efforts of Texas DPS and Border Patrol with a clear objective: rescue children from the clutches of the cartel and dismantle their trafficking operations.

Strategic Planning and Execution

With unwavering dedication, we strategically positioned ourselves along the border near the Rio Grande. Our meticulous planning and tactical acumen paid off as we successfully funneled everyone to a single location where the traffickers attempted to cross into the US. Exceptional investigative skills led to the gathering of valuable intelligence on the cartel’s operations, revealing that white transport vehicles were being used to move individuals out of the area.

The Rescue Operation

In a well-coordinated maneuver, border patrol was swiftly on the scene, apprehending a group of illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande. Among them were several military-age men who were promptly arrested and deported back to Mexico. Additionally, there were women and children, including three unaccompanied minors. These children were at high risk, but thankfully, they were intercepted and kept from being sent to a perilous fate.

Out of the 7 to 13 children who were present, all were successfully shielded from potential predators. The sense of accomplishment for our team was truly unparalleled.

Documenting the Efforts

The mission was documented by a camera crew for an episode of season five on the TV show “Trafficked”, hosted by Mariana Van Zeller on National Geographic Explorer. We were honored to be featured in this episode, which included scenes of us being miked up and providing security for the film crew, underscoring our commitment to safety and awareness.

Reflecting on the Mission

This operation stands out as one of our most successful missions. It underscored the importance of advanced technology, strategic partnerships, and unwavering dedication. Future missions are already being planned, with a return to the Southwestern Border scheduled for September, armed with enhanced technology and community resources.

Our Call to Action

This mission was made possible by the support of the community and the relentless efforts of all Guardians on the frontline and involved teams. We as Guardians will continue to raise funds and awareness to ensure that financial barriers do not hinder our rescue operations. We encourage everyone to join the fight, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness about the critical work being done.

The rescue of 13 children from human trafficking serves as a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when dedicated individuals and organizations come together for a common cause. Stay tuned to our Good News Report (GNR) for more updates on our ongoing efforts and how you can contribute to creating a safer world for all.

Join the Mission

Join Guardians in our mission to protect and support survivors. If you can help – please donate, or get involved in future operations. Together, we can make a difference.

Stand with Us

In the battle against human trafficking, every effort counts. Stand with us, support our mission, and be part of the change. Together, we can ensure that no child is left to suffer and that every survivor gets a chance to rebuild their life with dignity and hope. Guardians will continue to fight, rescue, and protect – but we need your help.

Join us today. Make a difference.
